Accident Lawyers of Texas

Settling Your Dallas Personal Injury Claim

Settling Your Personal Injury Claim With Dallas Trusted Lawyers!

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What To Expect When Settling Your Personal Injury Claim

When you suffer an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, there are generally two options for obtaining compensation from the at-fault party: accept a personal injury settlement outside of court, or go through (or at least begin) the civil lawsuit procedure.

Understanding Personal Injury Settlements


Settlement occurs when an adjuster for an insurance company or a defendant (the person or firm your suing) makes a settlement offer to you, the injured person.

When might this happen? Almost anytime:

  • The offer of settlement can be made before or after a personal injury lawsuit is filed.
  • It can be created after a lawsuit has been filed and a trial has begun, as long as no final judgement has been rendered.
  • After a jury trial, some settlements are reached during the course of deliberation, because one or both parties may feel they would prefer obtaining a settlement to taking their chances on a jury verdict.

If you have any questions about obtaining compensation following an accident, please do not hesitate to contact Accident Lawyers Of Dallas at (888) 340-1221 for your free case evaluation.

The Time to Act is Now 


Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 340-1221

Personal Injury Settlements And Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are usually involved in settlements, which is the case in the vast majority of personal injury claims. Insurers have the resources to settle claims and expect to pay out a certain amount of claims as part of their business model. Insurers are risk-averse and don’t want to put their financial stability in the hands of an unpredictable jury while still having to pay the significant expenses associated with litigating a personal injury case all the way through trial.

Why Do Most Personal Injury Cases Settle?


Why do so many cases go to trial, especially when insurance companies are involved? There are several causes for this, including:

1. Settlement Allows A Defendant To Control Risks And Avoid Legal Costs.


If the defendant is aware that he or she is at blame for the accident that resulted in the claim, or if the fault is an uncertain issue but the claimant’s injuries are serious, he or she may not want the case to go to a potentially sympathetic jury and risk a large damages award.

2. Settlement Can Allow A Defendant To Keep The Case Out Of The Public Eye Or Out Of The Paper.


This is particularly crucial for larger businesses with a public face. For example, if a firm produces a defective product and only a few people are harmed by it, the company may wish to pursue a quiet out-of-court settlement rather than risk the type of widespread attention that would come with a trial. When a settlement agreement is prepared, it allows a business (or any other defendant) to negotiate terms that are acceptable for everyone. Typically, these conditions include an obligation of privacy.

3. Settlement Allows A Plaintiff To Avoid A Protracted Trial.


Trials can go on for months, and the ultimate conclusion of the case may remain uncertain if there are appeals. A plaintiff may be unwilling to wait that long for financial compensation or feel unable to do so, putting on a case, producing evidence, and doing all else necessary to win a lawsuit.

4. Settlement Allows A Plaintiff A Guaranteed (if not always gainful) Win.


When a lawsuit is filed, there’s always the possibility that the plaintiff will lose the case and receive nothing. Accepting a settlement provides certainty that some compensation will be awarded. 

Suffering From Injury After An Accident?

We will fight so you can settle for more!

Negotiating A Settlement With An Insurance Company

 Here’s what to anticipate if you seek compensation for injuries caused by someone else’s negligence in a personal injury lawsuit against their insurance company. We highly recommend that you seek legal counsel and potentially representation before communicating with anyone else regarding your accident or injuries!

Step 1: Gather Information Needed For Your Claim


The first step is to obtain information about your accident. Most importantly, you’ll need the at-fault driver’s insurance information or relevant information about the negligent party causing your injury or damages. You can obtain the specifics from the other motorist or a copy of your accident report.

You should also keep track of the following details about your accident:

  • Location
  • Time
  • Date
  • Parties involved, and
  • Injuries sustained.

Once you’ve gathered all of this information, it’s time to submit your personal injury claim.

Step 2: File Your Personal Injury Claim


Contact the at-fault driver’s insurance provider as quickly as possible following an accident. Many insurance companies limit how long you have to contact them after a collision. The purpose of the claim is to inform them that you have been injured by one of their insured drivers and intend to pursue compensation. Most companies allow you to submit a personal injury case through the internet. Others will accept your claim by phone or mail. When filing the claim, keep track of any property damage and personal injuries you’ve sustained.

After you’ve submitted your claim, you’ll have to wait for an answer from the insurance company. In most cases, you’ll be dealing with an insurance claims adjuster. The adjuster will send you a Reservation of Rights letter (ROR). This letter simply informs you that your claim was received and that the adjuster will be looking into the accident. The ROR will also point out that at this time, the insurance company is not accepting responsibility or blame.

Step 3: Outline Your Damages And Demand Compensation


After you’ve gotten the adjuster’s Reservation of Rights letter, you’ll be able to submit a demand letter. 

When should you send this letter? 


It is debatable. It might be beneficial to wait until you have fully recovered or made significant progress in your recovery. This is because you’ll be able to precisely quantify your accident-related expenses and losses. It will be more difficult to get the compensation you deserve when projecting your costs and losses.

What should you include in your demand letter? 


This is your chance to explain what occurred, provide proof for your claim, and ask for fair compensation. It’s critical to be as comprehensive and thorough as possible when describing the extent of your injuries and any associated expenses.

Include itemized expense information for medical treatment, rehabilitation, caregiving, disability payments, missed earnings, and property damage. When you add up all of these costs and expenditures, you’ll have an idea of your “economic” or “special” damages.

Once you’ve determined your economic losses, you can evaluate your “general” or “non-economic” damages. These are compensated for things like pain and suffering, as well as emotional trauma. Because these injuries are usually difficult to assess, the compensation they generate may be hard to compute. Multiply your economic losses by a number between 2 and 5 to arrive at an estimate of your pain and suffering. The multiplier assigned to you should be as high as possible when your injury is severe.

Step 4: Review Insurance Company’s First Settlement Offer


After you’ve written your demand letter, the insurance company has to respond. There is, however, no requirement that they respond right away. They’ll probably point the blame for any delay on the fact that the adjuster is still investigating your accident and claim. However, the fact is that they are most likely attempting to push your limits in order to persuade you to accept any offer they provide.

It’s critical to understand that insurance companies aren’t looking out for your best interests. They are profit-driven businesses that will go to any length to minimize any payout you receive. As a result, they’ll most likely comb through your demand letter and come up with an offer that is far less than what you’re asking for.

How do they come up with their initial settlement offer? 


They’ll look into your claim and try to anticipate future litigation. What would a jury decide if this matter was brought before it? If the insurance company does not believe you will win in court, it will be inclined to provide you with a low settlement offer.

They’ll support their offer by saying:

  1. You’re asking too much for the sort of harm you’ve received.
  2. You have not submitted enough documentation to support your expenses.
  3. You have misjudged the worth of your disability or your lost income.
  4. You’ve requested more than the maximum allowable amount under the insured’s policy.

The first settlement offer from the insurance company is likely to be rude. It’s doubtful that it will cover the full cost of your accident-related expenditures. However, you may feel compelled to accept such a low offer because of pressure. Why? Adjusters for insurance companies employ psychological strategies that appeal to your emotions.

They may claim that this is a one-time opportunity that will expire in 24 hours. They might imply that you are partly to blame for the wreck and express surprise that you were given an offer at all.

It’s critical to realize that accepting the insurance company’s first offer might be harmful. You’ll be asked to sign a waiver when you accept. This will prevent you from pursuing any further compensation for this accident. As a consequence, you’ll be restricted to the small sum of money paid out by the insurance company.

Step 5: Make A Counteroffer


You have the right to respond to the insurance company’s initial offer with your own counteroffer. You have two options: double down by demanding the amount(s) you originally requested, or compromise and settle for something in the middle. showing a willingness to bargain will usually work in your favor.

Make sure your counteroffer emphasizes the severity of your injuries and the amount of pain you have endured as a result of the at-fault driver. Make it clear that you are adamant about receiving a fair and reasonable compensation settlement. Their insurance policy had injured you, and you are asking for what is rightfully yours.

Step 6: Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer And Consider Legal Action


The insurance company will respond to your counteroffer. It’s not very common for them to accept your offer, but they may do so if they believe you would be successful in court. However, the majority of the time, the insurance company will either reject or respond with its own counteroffer.

The insurance company may be prepared to bargain, but eventually, they will provide a final offer. When this happens, it’s vital to assess whether you’ve made any progress. 

Has the insurance firm made you a higher offer? 


Have they agreed to pay for all of your costs and expenditures? If you do accept the final offer after some back-and-forth, it may not be a terrible thing. However, never accept a low deal to acquire something rather than nothing. You always have the option of hiring a lawyer and pursuing a personal injury claim.

When an insurance company offers you a settlement that you believe is unfair, you have the option of taking legal action. Hiring a personal injury lawyer and threatening to bring a lawsuit may sometimes be enough to persuade an insurance company to give you a reasonable offer. Even if they don’t, you’ll have the option of retaining a legal expert to fight for compensation on your behalf. This will significantly increase the likelihood of obtaining full compensation.

Need More Help With Your Accident Claim?


Have you been injured in an accident in Dallas? If the other party is to blame, you have the right to seek compensation from their insurance carrier. Insurance claims may be tough to navigate, but if you are persistent, patient, and motivated, you can succeed. You may get additional credibility for your claim by consulting with a knowledgeable Dallas personal injury Lawyer from Accident Lawyers Of Dallas. If you have any queries regarding obtaining compensation following an accident, reach out to Accident Lawyers Of Dallas right away. 

To book your free case evaluation, contact us now at (888) 340-1221.

Contact A Personal Injury Lawyer


At any time following an accident, it is always in your best interests to contact Accident Lawyers Of Dallas and speak with an attorney as soon as possible. Call (888) 340-1221 to connect with our personal injury lawyers, where we will discuss your situation and help you decide what legal action to take.

There will be no costs if we decide to continue working together, unless and until you are paid your compensation.

The Time to Act is Now 


Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 340-1221

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